Two years ago, my dear husband forgot me on Mother's Day. Of course he didn't forget me. He forgot to get me a little present. I've told him that I will accept a pack of gum, as long as he doesn't forget. So...... he came in on Monday with a wrapped parcel in his back pocket. It was a book by Kim Vogel Sawyer. I read it, and I can honestly say that it was one of the best books that I have ever read. I really loved the book for three reasons. One was, that someone can read that book and learn how to accept Jesus as their personal savior. Two was, because it is a historical, and I love history. Three was because I felt a common bond with the characters and I needed to "see" how the main character learned to depend on the Lord instead of herself. I contacted Kim Sawyer, and now we have become very good friends. She came to my church for a ladies' retreat. It was absolutely perfect timing. I shared my dream of being a writer with Kim, and she has been very encouraging to me. I was able to attend the ACFW conference last year, and I learned a tremendous amount about writing. I forged friendships that are also inspirational to me as a Christian and a writer. I have so enjoyed everything I've learned on my journey thus-far. If Keith had not "forgotten" Mother's Day, then he might not have felt compelled to get me a present at the Christian Bookstore. I might not have read Kim's book, and I wouldn't have contacted her. I wouldn't have met her, and I would still be just dreaming of writing, and not pursuing it, still thinking that I didn't know where to start. Right now, the dream looks like it is attainable. I still have a ways to go, but I know that "God has a plan." Everything does happen for a reason, and I am looking forward to the next chapter in God's plan for me.
P.S.--Keith is off the hook for Mother's Day this year. I bought myself a new book by Miralee Ferrell, and some Yellow Box Shoes. So, I told him that he can rest---until my birthday.........
Jalana, your post brought tears to my eyes, because you so clearly recognize God's hands gently guiding the pieces of your life puzzle into place. Your faith is a beautiful thing to witness. Thank you for sharing it with us.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing this:) Glad I stopped by!
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful story you tell! I am so glad to be walking the road with you dear friend. I love it that you can share the good that has come out of something which started off as a small ache. God has an amazing way of turning ashes to beauty!